Complete Kitchen Cleaning

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    Complete Kitchen Cleaning

    We provide a complete deep clean to kitchens of all kinds: in government buildings, restaurants, nursing homes, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, hotels, fast food outlets, and catering establishments.

    We deep clean shelving, free standing units, and appliances (including deep fryers, grills, flat cook tops, ranges, ovens, refrigerators and walk-in coolers). In a deep clean, ceilings, walls, floors, shelving, and doors are all hygienically cleaned by the method which suits that particular kitchen.

    Professional Kitchen Cleaning and Washing Services

    Running a commercial kitchen comes with a lot of responsibilities, and one of the most important is maintaining a Kitchen Cleaning and Washing Services environment for your staff and customers. While daily cleaning tasks can help keep your kitchen clean, sometimes you need to call in the professionals for a more thorough cleaning. That’s where kitchen cleaning and washing services come in. In Canada, there are many companies that specialize in providing a wide range of kitchen cleaning and washing services, including kitchen deep cleaning, commercial dishwashing, food equipment sanitizing, kitchen floor and wall cleaning, garbage disposal and recycling, high-pressure cleaning, restaurant equipment cleaning, industrial cleaning, and kitchen equipment repair and maintenance.

    Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of these services.

    Kitchen Deep Cleaning Services

    Kitchen deep cleaning services can help you maintain a clean and safe environment for your staff and customers. These services can include cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, equipment, and storage areas, as well as degreasing and descaling cooking equipment.
    A deep clean can help prevent the build-up of bacteria, mold, and other harmful contaminants that can cause health problems and affect the quality of your food.

    Commercial Dishwashing Services

    Commercial dishwashing services can help you keep your dishes and utensils clean and sanitary. These services can include dishwashing, drying, and storage, as well as equipment maintenance and repair.

    By outsourcing your dishwashing tasks, you can save time and money and ensure that your dishes are always clean and ready for use.

    Food Equipment Sanitizing Services

    Food equipment sanitizing services can help you maintain a safe and hygienic kitchen. These services can include cleaning and sanitizing all food contact surfaces, as well as equipment maintenance and repair. By ensuring that your food equipment is clean and properly sanitized, you can prevent the spread of bacteria and other harmful contaminants that can cause foodborne illness.

    Kitchen Floor and Wall Cleaning Services

    Kitchen floor and wall cleaning services can help you maintain a clean and safe environment for your staff and customers. These services can include sweeping, mopping, and scrubbing floors, as well as washing and sanitizing walls.

    A clean floor and wall can help prevent slips, trips, and falls, and also create a more pleasant environment for your staff and customers.

    Garbage Disposal and Recycling Services

    Garbage disposal and recycling services can help you keep your kitchen clean and tidy. These services can include waste collection, disposal, and recycling, as well as equipment maintenance and repair.

    By ensuring that your garbage and recycling are properly disposed of, you can prevent the build-up of odors and pests that can affect the quality of your food.

    High-Pressure Cleaning Services

    High-pressure cleaning services can help you remove stubborn dirt, grime, and stains from your kitchen surfaces and equipment. These services can include using high-pressure water and specialized cleaning agents to remove built-up grease, dirt, and other contaminants.

    High-pressure cleaning can help restore the appearance and function of your kitchen equipment, as well as improve overall sanitation.

    Restaurant Equipment Cleaning Services

    Restaurant equipment cleaning services can help you maintain the performance and lifespan of your kitchen equipment. These services can include cleaning, degreasing, and descaling cooking equipment, as well as equipment maintenance and repair.

    By ensuring that your equipment is properly cleaned and maintained, you can prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your equipment.

    Industrial Cleaning Services

    Industrial cleaning services can help you maintain a clean and safe work environment for your staff. These services can include cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces and equipment, as well as waste collection and disposal. By ensuring that your industrial space is clean and safe, you can improve productivity and prevent workplace accidents.
    Kitchen Equipment Repair and Maintenance Services
    Kitchen equipment repair and maintenance services can help you keep